Saturday, December 8, 2007

Group Lesson Plan

"Do You Hear What I Hear?"

Antoinette Arriola
Sonya DaHill
Emson Makroro
Luwaina Martinez
William Sullivan

General Characteristics:
• The students involved in this lesson will be second graders in an elementary school with 83% of its population Chamorro and 11% Micronesian and 3% Asian-American. Eighty-six percent of the students are from low-socioeconomic backgrounds.

• The rest of the population is students from middle class families.

• The students live within 10 miles of the school and a few are bussed in from neighboring cities within the district.

• The lesson will be geared toward students with reading abilities that range from below average to average, according to state standardized tests.

• Three percent of the students in the class are exceptional education students that are pulled out from the classroom the majority of the school day and taught in an ESE resource room.

Entry Characteristics:
• Students are able to differentiate between sounds.
• Students can describe different sounds.
• Students already use email on a daily basis.

Analyze Learners

Learning Styles:
• Icons will be available to assist students in the use of the “YackPack” site and Microsoft sounds.

Visual learners
• Students will have an opportunity to choose the sounds they want to listen to and be provided with recordings of the sounds to reinforce the identification of the sound.

Concrete Sequential Learners
• Students will be moving around the computer lab to work on the computers, and to collaborate with their group. As a group they will also physically manipulate the computer keyboard and mouse and move from their seats to the computer when they are selecting their sounds.

• Students will share their reasons in groups in the classroom and in the computer lab for why they choose to listen and identify a particular sound.


• Students will need to decide whether the sound they choose to identify is the same as the sound identified by the group.

State Objectives
• Students will prepare PowerPoint presentation using icons to present to the class. After a trip to the playground, students will record the sounds they heard outside, collaborate using “YackPack” with 95% accuracy.
• By cutting pictures from magazines, students will locate a picture of what makes the listed sounds with 95% accuracy.
• After creating a collage of sound makers, students will share their finding with their group.

Select Methods, Media and Materials

• Students will be asked to walk quietly to the playground and listen in silence to the sounds surrounding them.
• Students will be provided construction paper, glue stick, scissors, and magazine and instructed to cut out picture from the magazine of the instruments that make the sounds they heard on the playground.
• The students will use these materials to create a collage of the sources of the sounds on the playground.
• Internet and presentation equipment will be used to provide examples of different sounds.

Utilize Media and Materials
• The internet will be used as a research and interactive tool for learning.
• Preview the Materials
- The teacher will walk the playground to ensure there are no distractions such as gym equipment on playground.
- The teacher will review the magazines to ensure age appropriateness.
- The teacher will check the audio/video equipment prior to class.

Prepare the Environment
- The room will be rearranged so that the students will be in cooperative groups of 4 and no student has his or her back to the focal point of the room. Whenever presentations by the teacher or students are being made, everyone will be able to see without any problems or obstructions. In the multi-media lab, the computers are arranged so that everyone can see the projection devices at all times.
Provide the learning Experience
- The teacher will ensure that everyone understands what is expected of them. Throughout the learning process, the teacher will be available for questions and guidance. The teacher will serve as a facilitator of learning, guiding students through every phase of the lesson and preparation of projects.

Require Learner Participation

Large-Group Activities
• Students will need to ask questions at anytime they don’t understand a concept or task. Students will be encouraged to ask detailed questions about what is expected of them in their final projects. Students will be required to participate in all class discussions.

Small-Group Activities
• In cooperative groups, students will create a collage from the magazines provided. Students will participate in web surfing to gather sounds to accompany their presentations.
Evaluate and Revise

Assessment of Learner Achievement
• Students will be evaluated on the following:
• Listening (25 points)
- was the student quiet and observant on the playground fieldtrip?
• Collage (25 points)
- does the collage accurate reflect the instrument the student believes makes the sounds listed on the playground? Is the collage complete?
• Presentation (25 points)
- Did the student speak clearly and accurately with proper language usage?
- Did the student make eye contact with the audience?
• Group work (25 points)
- Did the student work cooperatively with group members?

Assess learner, media methods

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