Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Teacher Evaluation




Knowledge of Subject

Teacher made mistakes or did not correct the mistakes students made.

Teacher did not understand the subject well enough to explain it clearly.

Teacher knew the subject and explained it clearly.

Knowledge of Students

Teacher does not know me very well and does not know what I can do.

Teacher knows me and what I can do

Teacher knows me very well and knows what I am capable of doing.

Clarity of Goals

Goals are not clear. I do not know what I will be graded on.

Goals are somewhat clear but I am not sure what I will be graded on.

Goals are clear and I clearly understand on what part of the assignment I will be graded.

Resources for Teaching

Teacher does not know what kinds of resources are available.

Teacher knows a few resources that are available.

Teacher is fully aware of all resources available for this assignment.

Resources for Students

Teacher is unaware of equipment available to assist students who need them.

Teacher knows about some of the equipment available to assist students who need them.

Teacher is fully aware of all equipment available to assist students who need them.

Learning Activities

Assignment was not equal to what I can do. It was not organized and I found it confusing.

Only some of the assignment was equal to what I can do. The steps were a little confusing.

I was able to clearly understand the assignment and follow the steps listed in the assignment.

Materials & Resources

Materials and equipment did not support the assignment and I didn’t learn anything.

Some of the materials and equipment supported the assignment, and I found the learning a little meaningful.

All materials and equipment supported the assignment and I found the learning meaningful.

Assignment Groups

My group did not work together.

My group worked together but we had a hard time completing the assignment.

My group worked well together and we made a great presentation.

Lesson and Unit Structure

The lesson was poorly put together and I was not given enough time to complete the assignment.

The lesson was clear but I barely had enough time to complete the assignment.

The lesson provided me with a clear outline of the assignment and I was able to complete the assignment in the time we were given.

Assessment Matches


The rubric did not match the assignment.

Some of the rubric matched the rubric.

The rubric clearly matched the assignment.

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